ad semiconductor 向多个领域提供其先进的技术。2002年2月8日,以模拟数码设计技术成立公司。
ad semiconductor的产品包括触摸传感器和模块、触摸屏、镇流器控制器、红外传感器、压力传感器、电容式霍尔传感器、系统ASIC。ad semiconductor计划将普及机器人中使用的传感器,扩大事业领域。传感器开发经验技术的基础上,计划开发多种应用和适合系统的技术。还有,我们的开关以光滑独特的设计,拥有了可开发触摸传感器的技术。我们以最佳质量开发出的产品,具有性能、生产性、耐久性和信赖性以及市场经济性的优点。
ad semiconductor通过了IS09001和ISO14001产品认证,遵守RoHS规则。
Founded the ad semiconductor dated February 08, 2002, in Seoul Korea. Touch Sensor and Module,Touch Screen, Ballast and Dimming Controller,IR Sensor,FSR Sensor Capacitive HALL Sensor and System ASIC.
Subsequently,we intend to expand our business horizon of sensor field for robot market. With our know-how in sensor domain, our main purpose of development in this technology is to find a solution for the usage in different applications and system. We convert any mechanical switches with our unique and sleek design touch sensor ICs. With our product, it enables to improve performance,increase productivity, durability, and reliability that offers a competitive edge in the market providing a cream of the crop quality.
ad semiconductor had achieved our ISO9001 and ISO14001 certification.We comply with Restriction of the Use of certain Hazardous Substance(RoHS)regulation.